Finally seeing some nice weather so there’s no excuse to say you can’t skate. Oh and we now have Adidas shoes in. The Busenitz and the Adi-Ease. Busenitz has a little more cushioning and padding that the Adi-Ease but that’s due to the fact that the Adi-Ease is a vulc shoe. Not saying it’s a lesser shoe but it’s a simple and clean looking shoe. Also we just got a variety of new decks in. Habitat, Deathwish, Expedition One, DGK, Almost, Enjoi and a lesser known brand called The Friend Ship Skateboards. They’re a refreshing reminder of how skateboarding is meant to be fun and carefree; promo vid on the bottom of the page featuring Nick Sommer. Online shop still a work in progress, along with the revamping of the site…