First thing’s first. If you haven’t heard through the grapevine or don’t check the Berrics during winter because you believe skateboarding doesn’t exist during the winter, you gotta get your priorities in line. Battle at the Berrics 7 is coming up and guess what…you can enter. Pros vs. Joes. Go ahead get going. Those nollie tre flips aren’t gonna land themselves. But it is true that the past few Battle at the Berrics have been repeats of household names so this whole Pros vs. Joes thing will be a nice change of pace. And go watch Chaz Ortiz’s Battle Commander. Pow. Mind blown right?

In other news, Justin Fronius snagged Snowboarder’s Rookie of the Year and a took giant shit on everybody else. Okay that may have been a little drastic but the kid’s got hammers. Just watch his edit below. Getting praises from Devun Walsh on backcountry hits? Heavy stuff considering he’s big on urban riding. But that’s what you have to do these days. Hittin’ rails all day is fun & sweet but if you can’t step your game up in the big bad backcountry, well you might as well hang ’em up. Remember when your parents told you that you have to be well-rounded? Same rule applies here. Cheers, Justin.
ALSO, a heavy trailer is on Snowboarder Mag’s website right now for their up and coming movie ‘Foreword’. And if you watch it closely, you’ll see Niagara Falls (at the shot about 16 seconds in)…shout out to Jaeger & Garrett for stopping by the shop while they were in town. Always good to see support for local shops. If you’re not getting hot and bothered watching this trailer then break out the K-Y. You got young bucks all with an assortment of styles coming together for a video that looks like it will melt faces. Kick back & enjoy.
That’s all we got for right now, stay tuned for updates on events that are coming up. Oh yeah, here’s a little edit from our friends over at schuss while we were at Mt. Bachelor.