Thank you to everyone who helped support the opening of the Alix Rice Peace Park!
Category: Events
Holiday Valley & Intense Milk
Holiday Valley offers 2 for 1 night lift tickets (3:30-9) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays with any Intense Milk label. Stop by Phatman to grab your milk before heading to the slopes. Or, 2 for 1 three-hour Tubing Passes (4:30-9) on Thursdays with any Intense Milk label.
Alix Rice Memorial Skatepark Fundraiser

On Sunday, March 26th, there will be an Alix Rice Memorial Skatepark Fundraiser at the Main-Transit Firehall in Williamsville. The Fundraiser will offer a Chinese Auction, Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle, Food, Music and Door Prizes. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased in the shop with CASH only or online with Credit/Debit card. To purchase… Read more »
Happy Holidays from Phatman!
From everyone at the shop including shop dawgs Ollie and Skadie, Happy Holidays! We’re excited to be entering 2017 with a calendar full of events, new products, and even more charisma than Sean Connery in a James Bond film. January 13th and 17th will be the Late Night Great Nights over at Kissing Bridge, so… Read more »
Late Night Great Night at KB
Late Night Great Night is happening again over at Kissing Bridge. It’s actually happening twice. The first date will be on February 26th, next Friday night, and the second date will be on March 11th, another Friday night. So mark it down on your calendars, agendas, field notes, and whatever else helps you pay bills,… Read more »
Phatman and Kissing Bridge Present “Late Night Great Night”!
Ride Kissing Bridge this Friday January 15th 2016 from 4pm – 1am for only $8.00. Whether your making this a cheep date or just another great night out, this LNGN is here to kick the 2016 season off right. Tickets available only at Phatman!
Mucho Jib Jam Update
Don’t forget, this Saturday over at Kissing Bridge! Figure out your carpool, borrow your neighbor’s construction helmet if you have to, and get down to KB before 11:30 AM to sign up. Our sponsors this year include Smith, Pret, Red Bull and East Coast Wax. Prizes and products will be handed out so nobody will… Read more »
2015 Mucho Jib Jam at KB
It’s about that time of year again, weather is getting brisk, Bills still have playoff potential, Mountains out west are opening up while we are forced to wait until December…but fortunately the annual Mucho Jib Jam is on horizon. This year, the Mucho Jib Jam will be on Saturday, Nov. 14th at Kissing Bridge (obviously),… Read more »
Thank You for Coming Out!
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night to the movie premiere of ThirtyTwo’s ‘2032’. We appreciate all the support and love from our customers, friends, and family. The movie premiere went off without a hitch, minus the whole projector not working but that’s why we have numerous TV’s around the shop. The beers were… Read more »
ThirtyTwo 2032 Movie Premiere
We’ll be hosting a Movie Premiere for the upcoming ThirtyTwo ‘2032’ movie on October 16th. The grill will be out along with the a skate setup outside the shop. There is going to be a game of SKATE for some prizes too. You’ll be able to skate and grab some hot dawgs before we play… Read more »